Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Some updates

Good Afternoon everyone,

I thought I would give everyone a update.  Travis and I have decided on the location that Baby Wiberg will receive his care along with  who will be doing the surgery.  I will have the baby at Aabot Northwestern in Minneapolis and then baby wiberg will go to Childrens.  The two hospitals are connected which is nice.  The pediatric neurosurgeon we have decided on is Dr. Nagib.  From all of the information we have found he is highly recommended and is suppose to be one of the best.

Our first appointment at Aabot will be on October 17th.  We will have another Level 2 Ultrasound as well as a consultation with a perinatologist.  We will also get to tour the NICU where our little one will spend the first few weeks of his life.  We will also get to meet some of the NICU Dr's as as well as our Surgeon.  I think this will be good.. we will get some questions answered and start to get a plan in place.  

We are still taking things one day at a time.  Please continue all of your thoughts at prayers!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Where has the past 20 weeks gone?!

Well, here goes nothing.. my first official post!

Travis and I thought it would be a great idea to start a blog to keep everyone up to date.  So I will give you a summary of where things are at today....

During our 18 week ultra sound on August 26th... we found out we were having a baby boy!!! such an exciting day.. but scary at the same time.. something was seen on the ultrasound that needed to get a closer look.  I few days later we got a call from our Dr. and he said that the radiologist still wasn't sure and that we needed to be seen by a maternal fetal medicine specialist.

On September 8th we took a road trip to Sioux Falls, SD.  after 3.5 hours of meeting with the genetic counselor, nurse, ultrasound tech and the Dr, we got news that turned our lives upside down.  We were told that our son has Spina Bifida-"Myelomeningocele" a birth defect in which the backbone and spinal canal do not close before birth.  With every case of Spina Bifida the side effects will very drastically and most of the side effects wont be known until later in the babies life.

While these are words no parent ever wants to hear... its something that cant be changed..... We have accepted this and we will do everything in our power to make sure he gets the best possible care.  As of right now the plan will be to deliver by C-Section at around 37 weeks.  This will be in either Minneapolis or Rochester.... that is something that will be determined once we get a little closer.  Surgery will be done 24-48 hours after birth to close the opening.  Once surgery is completed he will stay in the NICU until they feel they have everything under control.

We will have monthly appointments with the specialist in Fargo to make sure that nothing changes.. such as fluid in the babies brain which is a common side effect in babies with Spina Bifida.  Our next appointment will be October 13th.  We will continue to keep posting with any new news or information.  Please keep the positive thoughts coming!!!
