Wow am I glad to be home! For as much as we look forward to clinics we also dread them....Its makes for a few long days, but we are home, happy and healthy!
There is something about clinic days that I love. It makes us feel like we aren't on this crazy journey alone. As we were sitting in the radiology waiting room there were two other families waiting for tests as well with little ones with Spina Bifida. It was fun to listen to their stories, and to know that as Westin gets older we will be okay.
As normal, Westin was run through the ringer with all of his tests. He had a head, bladder and kidney ultrasound. He also had a RNC "Radionuclide Cystogram" which is a diagnostic imaging exam that determines if Westin has vesicoureteral reflux. When he had this test in June we were told he reflux on the left side which was a grade 1-2. The test results this time reviled that this was unchanged. Which Dr. Glasser was very excited about. He even stated that its possible that Westin could outgrow this reflux, which he said is very rare, but possible. He said there is no need to start cathing! YAY!!!
We also met with Dr. Marker who went over the head ultrasound. This will be our last head ultrasound because Westins soft spot is closing and once that happens the only was to view the ventricles is through an MRI. These results were also wonderful. Thank God!
They were all so happy with Westins progress. The tests couldn't have come out any better. We will head back down to Minneapolis on December 6th for a MRI which is standard for babies with Spina Bifida around a year old so they can get a baseline for when he is older. We will also have another bladder ultrasound and another RNC.
So for now we will continue with physical therapy 1x/ week as well as early intervention 1x/ week. He still isn't crawling on all 4's but he sure can get around. Hes into EVERYTHING. Its sure fun to watch him get into things and to see how excited he gets when he finds something new.
We have sooo much to be thankful for. Westins is always happy, smily and he just rolls with the punches. We thank God everyday for bringing him into our lives.
Here are some new pictues! I hope you enjoy!!!