Happy Summer Everyone!
I cant even believe tomorrow is the 1st of August. Seriously where does the time go?!
So many things to update everyone on that I don't even know where to start... so I guess Ill start right here :)
Since our last post Westin got his new braces that were recommended from Baltimore. They were terrible.. they didn't hold his foot at all.. so we had to have another pair made. These were the same style as his past pair which worked will for him, however because of ongoing issued with is feet these new braces aren't working well either.. which goes to tie in with the title of this post... however I will get to those nasty casts in a minute.
Westin also has gotten his new gait trainer which is adorable! Its lime green and cute as can be. He thinks he is one cool dude in that thing! It also has pretty much every attachment under the sun, which is nice however he is so mobile that he doesn't really need most of them. He is learning how to use it and has even walked into therapy with is a couple of times, but again we haven't gotten as much use out of it as we would like because of the bracing issues.
We also received out E-Stim unit for home. We are suppose to use this on Westin 2x/ day for 30 min each time. While I would love to say I am using it this much.. I'm not... its not possible. I use it as much as I can, but I need to get in a better habit of using it.
Now on to our crazy, fun, full of life little man! He is officially 1.5 years old. How is that possible??? It seems like it was just yesterday that we were walking through the door with out little bundle of joy. He is such a blessing. We simple cant imagine what out lives would be like without him.. He sure keeps us busy with therapy, and early intervention, and Dr appts but I wouldn't change it for the world. He is a busy little boy! He loves his trucks, tractors, and anything that he can throw. Man does that kid have an arm on him.. maybe we have a future baseball star on our hands!
He is also starting to talk a lot more and he wants to be Mr. Independent. He has learned to open containers, screw off lids, so anything that was once safe.. no more. He knows how to open his bubbles and pour them into his "tubby" he can also pull all the lids off his markers.. so the dogs now have a beautifully decorated dog bed. I knew when he was quiet for more then 6 seconds he was up to no good.. and I was right! He is using his spoon and fork a lot more. and when he really wants something like fruit snacks or his gummy vitamins he says "peeeeeese"
He also loves to be outside and blow bubbles, be pushed in his green car, ride in the wagon, ride on his little power wheels tractor or ride in the bike carrier. He loves to be outside, he would be outside all day if we could.
Now on to the casts... yuck just typing that makes me cringe. I never thought we would end up with more casts.. I think he has had his fair share of them.. I believe it was right around 20 weeks with them the last time, But after soooo many issues with his feet and them not staying in a neutral position, we knew something had to be done. So we met with Westins Orthopedic Dr. and we decided he needed surgery again. So this past week Westin had bilateral heel cord lengthening tenotomy as well as a posterior ankle release. He did well with the surgery, and the Dr was pleased with how flat he was able to get his feet... but we wont know how successful it was until we are done with the casts in 5 weeks and try him with his braces again.
Even though we have to put up with more casts, hopefully the end result will make it all worth it.
Thats all for now! Until next time....