Thursday, September 19, 2013

Back in the saddle again!

Happy Thursday!

Well we are back into the full swing of physical therapy!  Westin is starting to adjust.  He has had a long break since the surgery.  While he was in casts we chose not to go because there wasn't a whole lot that they would be able to work on.  Since the casts have come off he has gone a few times and he is adjusting ok.  One thing is for sure he always has a BIG smile for the ladies at the front desk!  He loves them!!!  He hasn't had pool therapy yet so it will be interesting to see how he does with that again!  We are hoping he loves it since he was really starting to enjoy the pool at home.

We have also made the though decision to transfer Westins care from Minneapolis Childrens hospital to Gillette Childrens Hospital.  While this was a though choice we feel that it will be best for Westin.  Our first set of appointments with them will be October 15th.  We will see them at the Minnetonka Location.  They have just started a Spina Bifida Clinic at that location.  It will be really interesting to see how it is different from what we are use to at the current hospital.  Change is hard, but sometimes its for the best! 

More to come on how that all goes!!

Monday, September 9, 2013

The 2nd Anniversary


"My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold "

Well I cant believe yesterday marked the 2 year anniversary since we received Westins diagnosis.  It feels like it was just yesterday.  Ill always remember, we were sitting in the cold Sioux Falls Ultra Sound room..... and hearing the words.. Spina Bifida

While those are no words any expectant couple wants to hear, they are a part of life... our life.

Its funny the things that stick out in your mind, the things that you remember.  After going though months of infertility treatments to be told we were pregnant was the best thing we could have ever heard.... and at my first Dr visit in Wahpeton the Dr. told Travis and I to close our eyes and to think to ourselves about the following question.  If we were told we were having a child with Down Syndrome or Spina Bifida, would it change our minds if we would keep the pregnancy or not.  We both at the same time said No way, this is our baby he was given to us for a reason.  How I still remember the words Spina Bifida coming out of his mouth, at the time I didn't even know what that meant.  Funny how things change.

Fast forward to today.. and we have a son who is wonderful, happy, smart, cute and soo full of life.  He has a smile that can light up a room and a laugh that is contagious.  While I know god has a plan for all of us, I believe my plan was to be Westins Mom.  While I have days that are tough, I know things can always be worse.

I'm thankful for my different support groups.  I am a part of several online groups that know exactly what its like in my shoes... which is nice. We also have a great support group with family and friends.

Cousin Love

While the initial sting may be gone, the scar will last forever

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

To switch or not to switch....

Hey there!

I hope everyone is doing well.  I cant believe that summer is coming to an end.. Bummer!  We really didn't get to enjoy the last month of summer like we would have liked to!  However there is a end in sight.  The casts come off for good on Friday and we cant wait!!! I think I should throw a party or something to celebrate.  We are really looking forward to see how the new AFO braces work with his "new" feet.  We are hopeful and optimistic.

As for the title of my post well.... we are trying to decide if we want to switch where we have been taking Westin for his Spina Bifida care in the cities.  While we "like" the Dr's and they are "nice"  those are not reasons enough to keep us there.  We aren't looking for "OK" care for our son, we are looking for the "best" care.  Everytime we leave the Childrens hospital we say the same thing.  We are frustrated, we feel like are concerns are pushed to the side and that we are told the same exact thing the person before us was told.  

I want individualized care for Westin.  He deserves the best chance possible at everything he does and everything that is thrown his way.  I have started to be in contact with a few other moms that have also recently made the switch from our current hospital to the new one we are looking at going to.  They have all said the same thing.. We wish we would have switch sooner.

I have received the name of the lady who runs the Spina Bifida Clinic at the " new hospital" so I will be in contact with her soon to figure out the process of getting set up with a tour so we can see if we think it would be a better fit for us as well as Westin.

More to come.......

“You'll never find a rainbow if you're looking down”
Charles Chaplin