The summer is just slipping right by! I cant believe we are sneaking up on the end of yet another month! Things have been going OK. Westin is doing really well with his small leg braces. He is able to wear them full time. Which is wonderful! Its also nice for him because they aren't so hot to wear when being outside.

During my last post, I talked about Westin and feeding therapy. That has since stopped because we weren't really making any progress. Once that happened we just knew we needed to go back for a second opinion about Westins tonsils. Some of you may remember about 6 months ago Westin was seen by ENT and they had him scheduled for a tonsillectomy but at the last minute we changed our minds. After getting a second opinion, we know that this is necessary for Westin. His tonsils are just so HUGE. They are almost touching. So hes back on the surgery

schedule for July 30th. I am hoping it will happen this time, he has been battling a few different things, ear infection, ect. So first things first we need to get him healthy!
Other then that we have just being having a fun summer. Swimming in the pool, going on bike rides down to the park to feed the ducks, going to the zoo, and going over to see my grandma in the nursing home almost everyday.
More to come once surgery has been done! Have a great week.
Here Ducky!! |