We survived Westin getting his tonsils out and he did awesome! We really weren't sure what to expect but I dont think we could have asked for things to go any better. As soon as we got out of the car in the parking lot of the hospital he started to cry. He just knew something was going to happen even though we made sure not to tell him about it because they he would of been even more worried and talked about it nonstop. This poor kid, he has been through so much. 4 surgeries and hes not even 3?? Somethings in life are just so unfair.

The surgery took just over a hour. I think the part that take the longest is getting him prepped once back in the O.R. After the surgery his ENT Dr. came out and talked to us about how things went. He said that by observing him and how he was breathing before the surgery that there was no question that he had sleep apnea, which was being caused by the size of his tonsils and adenoids. He also said that there was a piece of skin that was connected from his uvula down to his vocal cord which wasn't suppose to be there. He also clipped that off and placed a couple of stitches.

Once in recovery he did take a could of sips of water for me. He was then transferred back up to his room where he proceeded to cry for 4 hours. The nurses said it was because of the anesthesia. Once they gave him his pain meds again we could tell right away when they started to work. He was more alert, not crying, and willing to drink. Once we drake a cup full of juice they sent us home! As soon as we got in the car, Westin was asking for chocolate milk. Probably not the best choice, but he earned it! So we filled his cup full and within a minute the milk was gone and he was fast asleep! Once we got home he was happy, talking and asking for popcorn. This time he didn't get what he wanted! Everyday we have seen improvement in his sleeping. There is no more snoring, or tossing and turning. He is a much more peaceful sleeper. The only problem with that is that he is a much earlier riser!
Have a great week everyone! Make it count!