Sunday, December 18, 2011

Updates from our Minneapolis Appt.

Good Afternoon,

This past Friday we took our monthly trip to the cities for our monthly check up which included a Level II U/S, Biophysical profile U/S and NST(non stress test)  All went well.  I always get nervous for these appointments because you never know what to expect or what could change in a month.

It started out with a bet between Travis and I.  We each made a guess as Westins estimated weight.  Travis guessed 4.4lbs and I guessed 5.2lbs.  I was closer with baby Westin weighing in at a estimated 5lbs 12oz.  This can go 13oz either way but still a big baby!!!!

As far as the ultrasound went we had our favorite u/s tech.  The cystic sack that covers the opening in the spine was a little smaller this time, or it could have been the angle that they measured it at?  Also the other mass that is right below the cystic sack is still measuring about 2 cm.  so its small and its just something that will be addressed with the closure surgery.  Westin is still slowing great movement, and still no sign of Hydro in the brain!!!! YIPPY!

After the U/S we met with the Dr. who was very nice, she went over the ultrasound results and said that our sons Spina Bifida isn't you typical run of the mill SB baby.  which she followed with, this is a good thing.  Westin doesn't have a lot of the "normal"symptoms that SB babies have.. more good news!  There are 3 different types of SB and from the sounds of it.. they are going back and fourth between 2 different types.  They just say that they wont know for sure until the surgery.  I'm holding out hope that it is Meningocele.  Which is a less severe kind, but if its not this type we are also prepared for that. 

I will move to the cities on January 9th for 2 weeks prior to our C-Section date.  We did tour the apartments and let me tell you..... it might be hard to survive 2 weeks living there, but we will see how it goes.  One other thing that the Dr. talked about was my blood pressure.  I have been very border line so they want me to spend even less time on my feet and work and at home.. So over the next week I will continue to check my blood pressure 3x/day.  If there is not improvement then they will look into cutting my hours at work, which I don't want to happen so I will do what they say and keep my fingers crossed that it works!

I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas, I know we have a lot to be thankful for this year!

Love, The Wibergs!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

32 Weeks, a few updates and we have a C-Section date!!!

Yesterday we had our first BioPhysical Ultrasound, and baby Wiberg scored 8 out of 8!!!  :) This was great news that means hes progressing like hes suppose to.  We also had our bi-weekly check up today with Dr. Halvorson... these appointments have now been changed to weekly due to a increase in blood pressure.  I am also suppose to stop by the clinic a few times a week to have it checked... I'm hoping that reducing my salt intake and a little more rest at night that it will go back down.  I don't need anything else to worry about.  This coming Friday we will also have our first Nonstress Test so im hoping that, that will turn out great as well. 

Next Friday we head back to Minneapolis for our monthly ultrasound.  We will also learn a little more about the C-section..Which is scheduled for January 23rd.  Its hard to believe that this date is only 6 1/2 weeks away! AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!  We are SO excited to bring our little peanut into this world.  This whole pregnancy thing is very hard.  So many things that we dont know/wont know until hes here.  At that point we will handle each thing that we are faced with.

I hope you all have a great rest of the week! 

"I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish he didn't trust me so much."

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

"No one ever damaged their eyesight looking on the brighter side of life"

Happy Wednesday All,

Wow has it been a busy past week!  We had our monthly appointment in the cities.. and at this point it sounds like its going to stay monthly!! WOO HOO!!!  It was another long day.. but we got the valet parking at the hospital figured out. That was one of the highlights of our day :)  Our first appointment was 2.5 hrs it involved transfer of care, which was just going through my entire life history so that they can get everything correct.  We also had a Biophysical Profile Ultrasound, which I will have every week starting the first week of December. This test measures the baby's heart rate, muscle tone, movement, breathing, and the amount of amniotic fluid around the baby. We then had our regular level 2 u/s which looks at every single part of Westin.  They do this every time to make sure there are no major changes... which thank god there weren't.  His ventricles were down from 9.7mm to 6.8 mm.. this is AMAZING news.  These numbers indicate that there is still no sign of hydrocephalus!! However we also know that this can change at anytime.. We also got a good look at his adorable button noes, and he also thought it would be a good idea to stick his tongue out at us! but we have learned celebrate the little things when they come our way!  He weighed in at 3.6lbs and is in the 56% for growth.. right where they want him to be.  He still has a big head which makes me laugh everytime.. and makes me feel like a normal prego rood, as I know this is something that runs in the family :)  Once done with the U/S we had the Fetal MRI... that was an experience.  They told me to plan on a hour but with Westins cooperation we were done in 30 min!  This MRI was ordered by the neurosurgeon to get a better look at the opening on the spine and also at the other mass that was seen on the October u/s.  The Dr called us last night at 9:45 pm!  Hey better late the never!  We were hoping with this phone call that we would know exactly was it was... WRONGO.  They still don't know, he said we will continue with the regular plan, and deal with it when Westin makes his arrival.  Another waiting game.. story of my life.  We also got a plan in place so that I can do my weekly Biophysical profile u/s and Nonstress Tests in Wahpeton!  so just to give you an idea of what my December looks like.....

Dec 6-Bio U/S 8 A.M.
Dec 7-Bi-Weekly check up
Dec 16-Bio U/S, Level 2 U/S, NST
Dec 20-Bio U/S 8:50 A.M.
Dec 27-Bio U/S 8 A.M.
Jan 3-Bio U/S 8 A.M.

Dec 9-NST 11:30 A.M.
Dec 23-NST 11:30 A.M.
Dec 30-NST 11:30 A.M.
Jan 6-NST 11:30 A.M.

I hope you all have a SUPER thanksgiving..

If there is anything I have learned from this experience, its when you get to the end of your rope.. tie a know and hang on!



Wednesday, November 2, 2011

28 Weeks!

Hey all,

I wanted to post a picture of my belly at 28 weeks.. I'm starting to feel like a small house  :)  but the Dr says my weight gain is right on track...

Today we had another monthly appointment.  We really look forward to these appointments because there are no weird tests/ machines ect.  they actually make us feel like a normal expecting couple at least for 30 minutes!  It was another good appointment.  We received a copy of all of the letters that the Dr;s in the cities sent to my regular Dr.  I was really impressed with how detailed all of there letters were.. they really have a plan in place which makes us feel a little at ease.  The plan is still to have a C-section at 39 weeks.  They are suggesting that I be in the Minneapolis area starting at 37 weeks just in case I would go into labor early.... I dont feel like being stuck in Wahpeton in a blizzard and in labor...So details for that are still being worked out.  We will continue to keep everyone posted on any updates.

I also came across a link on one of my Spina Bifida Blogs for this book and its to cute not to share... it brought tears to my eyes.  I hope you all enjoy it!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

When you laugh be sure to laugh out loud , cause it will carry all your cares away

Hello Everyone,

We just wanted to give an update after all of our appointments on Friday.  The day involved a lot of Dr's, Mc. Donalds and some good news.

Our day started out with a 7:30 am ultrasound.  Our ultra sound tech was amazing.  He explained everything that he was looking at which was very nice.  Much better then laying there for over a hour in pure silence.  Baby Wiberg doesn't have a lot of the "normal" symptoms  that babies with Spina Bifida have.  All of this was great news, they did change there minds on the level of the opening they now have said L3-L4.  The level of the lesion corresponds with the function level that our son will have.. meaning if he will walk or need a wheelchair.  Only time will tell so we are not concentrating on this. 

After the ultrasound we met with the perinatologist, she was also very pleased with the results of the ultrasound.  She also talked to us about having a c-section or normal delivery.  This she is leaving up to me.. at least at this point :)  so this is something that will have to be talked about as there are benefits for either way.

The next appointment we had was with Dr. Nagib, who is the Pediatric Neurologist we choose to do the closure once the baby is born.  He also went over our ultrasounds results.  He mentioned that something else was seen on the ultrasound so they wanted a better look.  They ordered a fetal MRI, this should be done at my next appointment which will be November 18th.  At this point im not sure what they think they saw, or what they are looking for so again I cant stress about this.

The second half of our day was kinda fun, we got to tour the birthing center and the NICU/ICC  This was very interesting.  It also made things feel a little to real.  The NICU was very nice, every baby has there own room which we will be able to stay in if we want to.  We also got a tour of the Ronald McDonald house which is in the hospital.  As soon as you walked in the doors you forgot you were in a hospital! 

After all of our tours we sat down with our social worker who was great,  She will be our contact during the rest of the pregnancy as well as after the baby is here.  

As for now.. we will continue to take things one day at a time and try to enjoy the little things.. baby wibergs hi cups, his kicks, and all of the love and support of our family.  You will never know how much we appreciate all of your kind words and prayers.  No matter what happens we know he will be perfect and things will work out the way they were meant to.

Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.
       -Joshua J. Marine

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Here are a few pics from the nursery, still a little work left to do but I think its a great start!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Some updates

Good Afternoon everyone,

I thought I would give everyone a update.  Travis and I have decided on the location that Baby Wiberg will receive his care along with  who will be doing the surgery.  I will have the baby at Aabot Northwestern in Minneapolis and then baby wiberg will go to Childrens.  The two hospitals are connected which is nice.  The pediatric neurosurgeon we have decided on is Dr. Nagib.  From all of the information we have found he is highly recommended and is suppose to be one of the best.

Our first appointment at Aabot will be on October 17th.  We will have another Level 2 Ultrasound as well as a consultation with a perinatologist.  We will also get to tour the NICU where our little one will spend the first few weeks of his life.  We will also get to meet some of the NICU Dr's as as well as our Surgeon.  I think this will be good.. we will get some questions answered and start to get a plan in place.  

We are still taking things one day at a time.  Please continue all of your thoughts at prayers!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Where has the past 20 weeks gone?!

Well, here goes nothing.. my first official post!

Travis and I thought it would be a great idea to start a blog to keep everyone up to date.  So I will give you a summary of where things are at today....

During our 18 week ultra sound on August 26th... we found out we were having a baby boy!!! such an exciting day.. but scary at the same time.. something was seen on the ultrasound that needed to get a closer look.  I few days later we got a call from our Dr. and he said that the radiologist still wasn't sure and that we needed to be seen by a maternal fetal medicine specialist.

On September 8th we took a road trip to Sioux Falls, SD.  after 3.5 hours of meeting with the genetic counselor, nurse, ultrasound tech and the Dr, we got news that turned our lives upside down.  We were told that our son has Spina Bifida-"Myelomeningocele" a birth defect in which the backbone and spinal canal do not close before birth.  With every case of Spina Bifida the side effects will very drastically and most of the side effects wont be known until later in the babies life.

While these are words no parent ever wants to hear... its something that cant be changed..... We have accepted this and we will do everything in our power to make sure he gets the best possible care.  As of right now the plan will be to deliver by C-Section at around 37 weeks.  This will be in either Minneapolis or Rochester.... that is something that will be determined once we get a little closer.  Surgery will be done 24-48 hours after birth to close the opening.  Once surgery is completed he will stay in the NICU until they feel they have everything under control.

We will have monthly appointments with the specialist in Fargo to make sure that nothing changes.. such as fluid in the babies brain which is a common side effect in babies with Spina Bifida.  Our next appointment will be October 13th.  We will continue to keep posting with any new news or information.  Please keep the positive thoughts coming!!!
