Wednesday, November 23, 2011

"No one ever damaged their eyesight looking on the brighter side of life"

Happy Wednesday All,

Wow has it been a busy past week!  We had our monthly appointment in the cities.. and at this point it sounds like its going to stay monthly!! WOO HOO!!!  It was another long day.. but we got the valet parking at the hospital figured out. That was one of the highlights of our day :)  Our first appointment was 2.5 hrs it involved transfer of care, which was just going through my entire life history so that they can get everything correct.  We also had a Biophysical Profile Ultrasound, which I will have every week starting the first week of December. This test measures the baby's heart rate, muscle tone, movement, breathing, and the amount of amniotic fluid around the baby. We then had our regular level 2 u/s which looks at every single part of Westin.  They do this every time to make sure there are no major changes... which thank god there weren't.  His ventricles were down from 9.7mm to 6.8 mm.. this is AMAZING news.  These numbers indicate that there is still no sign of hydrocephalus!! However we also know that this can change at anytime.. We also got a good look at his adorable button noes, and he also thought it would be a good idea to stick his tongue out at us! but we have learned celebrate the little things when they come our way!  He weighed in at 3.6lbs and is in the 56% for growth.. right where they want him to be.  He still has a big head which makes me laugh everytime.. and makes me feel like a normal prego rood, as I know this is something that runs in the family :)  Once done with the U/S we had the Fetal MRI... that was an experience.  They told me to plan on a hour but with Westins cooperation we were done in 30 min!  This MRI was ordered by the neurosurgeon to get a better look at the opening on the spine and also at the other mass that was seen on the October u/s.  The Dr called us last night at 9:45 pm!  Hey better late the never!  We were hoping with this phone call that we would know exactly was it was... WRONGO.  They still don't know, he said we will continue with the regular plan, and deal with it when Westin makes his arrival.  Another waiting game.. story of my life.  We also got a plan in place so that I can do my weekly Biophysical profile u/s and Nonstress Tests in Wahpeton!  so just to give you an idea of what my December looks like.....

Dec 6-Bio U/S 8 A.M.
Dec 7-Bi-Weekly check up
Dec 16-Bio U/S, Level 2 U/S, NST
Dec 20-Bio U/S 8:50 A.M.
Dec 27-Bio U/S 8 A.M.
Jan 3-Bio U/S 8 A.M.

Dec 9-NST 11:30 A.M.
Dec 23-NST 11:30 A.M.
Dec 30-NST 11:30 A.M.
Jan 6-NST 11:30 A.M.

I hope you all have a SUPER thanksgiving..

If there is anything I have learned from this experience, its when you get to the end of your rope.. tie a know and hang on!



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