Well Westin had his first ever Spina Bifida Clinic last Tuesday which basically is where they do a set of tests in the A.M. and we see a group of doctors at one time later in the afternoon to go over. So in the morning our little guy had the following tests done: a renal, kidney, bladder, and head ultrasounds. Sounds like a lot and probably was for him, but they really didn't take that long to get done. We spent more time waiting throughout the day then the actual tests and doctor time. Well there was plenty of good news in that Westin's head, and kidneys are great!! Still no hydrocephalus which is still amazing. We thank god everyday for that! Also, the doctor said that his kidneys looked and I quote "perfect." The one thing they talked about was his bladder, and it wasn't necessarily bad, but wasn't great either. The doctors told us that Westin has a thickening of the bladder wall or "muscular bladder" would be the medical term for it. It basically means that his bladder doesn't expand and contract like a healthy bladder does. However, they still didn't see very much reflux which is another great thing!! So like I said we had and have plenty to be thankful for. So all in all we had a great trip and are very proud of our little man. We don't have to go back for 3 or 4 months now until our next check up to make sure everything is still going well. So hopefully Westin will continue to progress in the right direction.
That is it for the update, and we hope you enjoy some of the photos:)
only way of finding the limits of the possible is
by going beyond them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
What a cutie!! |
Just hanging out with my Grandpa |
Another smile:) |
Watching the Twins win with Mom and Dad!! |
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