Happy Spring Everyone!
According to the calender its spring however it sure doesn't look like it around here. In fact its snowing right now......yuck

Well our next round of appointments is sure coming up in a hurry! April 14th and 15th..... I always dread these appointments because I know anything can happen... and I'm not a big fan of surprises! All in all I am expecting things to go well. My biggest concerns are with his bowel/bladder. So we are going to bring up potty training. Potty training a child with neurogenic bowel and bladder is way different then a kid without it. So I'm hoping to get a plan in place. We will also be having a sedated MRI of the brain and total spine. This is to check for any changes to the spinal cord and also to check for tethered spinal cord. This is really common in these kiddos, however it only becomes an issue if it causes changes to the bowel/ bladder function or if there is weakness in the lower legs. If that happens then surgery is needed to untether the spinal cord.
Other then that things have pretty much stayed the same. Westin has Early Intervention come in the home 1x/week. We like when she comes to"play" Westin always wants to see what toys are in her bag! We are also continuing with PT once a week as well. He does do therapy in the pool every other week. He loves the water and its so fun to watch his kick away!

We had his pre-op physical this week and Westin was 34"tall which is in the 28% for his age rage and also he was 30.8lbs which was in the 78% for his age. He has grown 3" since we last measured him!!!!

Its been 2 weeks since we got Westins new AFOS! Things have been going great with them. Its always hit and miss with a new pair of braces so these seem to be working great! However I am really struggling to find a pair of tennis shoes that fit over them.. I have ordered countless pairs from the internet but so far no luck.
I will update once we get home from his next set of appointments and hopefully it will come with all good news!!
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