Ok! So things around here are still wild and crazy! So I have a few updates from the pediatric dentist and also Westins speech and physical therapists.
So I brought Westin to the dentist for the first time.... Ok WOW! Talk about a total shit show. I could tell when he was playing toys in the waiting room that he was feeling completely nervous about being there, which I understand. It was a new place, new people..... ok so the hygienist came back to get him and he completely lost it. He proceeded to scream as hard as he could for the rest of the appointment. It was awesome! I'm pretty sure everyone that was sitting in the waiting room thought someone was trying to kill him! But they managed to get his teeth counted, and a sealant put on.... and of course they would like to see him back in 6 months for more sealants which im sure will mean more screaming!!
So on to the Speech/Physical therapists. I talked to his speech therapist about the horrible appointment from the week before. She didn't have a lot of input but she did say that I was 4th person to ask her about oral motor therapy so she will be taking some classes to be trained in it in November so that will be great! In the mean time I did contact a different therapist that works at the other place we went and set up an appointment for a consultation to see what she has to say.... I'm hoping this time around it will go a lot better since it will be with someone else.

Other then that we will go back to Minneapolis in 2 weeks for a renal ultrasound and also Spina Bifida clinic. I always look forward to these appointment so I can get the Dr's input on how they feel he is doing. Some of my questions for them involve his leg braces, and see how they think he is doing with his SMO's since they recommended them the last time we were there. My other questions have to do with potty training and how we will go about that!
Also I have to share a link to a little write up I did about Westin that was featured on Gillette Children's website. I hope you all enjoy and have a great rest of your week!
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