Wow summer is flying by!! School has started and pretty soon the leaves will start to fall...... yuck. Our summer has been very BUSY, but soo much fun! We bought a camper so we have been spending our weekends traveling the country side. We have also traveled to see family and friends, had pool parties in our back yard, spent several days at the zoo and just played outside in the sand box. This summer has really been fun with Westin, He has such an imagination so he loves to make up games and play with the neighbor girls. He just adores them!
Over all things this summer for Westin have been pretty low key which is very welcomed for this Momma! We decided to take a therapy break in July and that was very nice. We are starting to get back into the swing of things though and it will be nice to have a schedule again. We are going back to doing PT every Monday and every other week will be pool therapy which Westin loves! We also have Speech every Wednesday, and we are starting back into the feeding therapy as well.

A few weeks ago we made a little road trip back to Minneapolis for the day. Westin needed to have some ultrasounds redone of his bladder. When we were at Gillette in April there were some questions about him being able to empty his bladder completely. So first they did a bladder/ kidney ultrasound. Then had him go to the bathroom and then they did another ultrasound to see if there was any residual urine left in his bladder. I was really nervous about this, but we were able to meet with Dr. Vandersteen who said everything looked really great! Yay what a relief!!! So once we left the clinic we promised Westin he could pick out a toy at the toy store for being so strong and brave. He managed to pick a big box of trucks and cranes. He could hardly carry it, but boy was he sure proud!
Westin wont have to go back to Gillette until next April, unless there is a issue that comes up sooner! That is some very exciting news. Other then that not much else is new, I'm excited for the cooler weather, the changing of the leaves, and cool nights.
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